Tips for Electricians to stay cool on the warmest day of the year

By Alex Miller / 25/07/2019 / Electrical

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The United Kingdom is currently basking in glorious sunshine and people have even predicted that today could be the hottest day ever recorded in the history of the UK. The Met office have predicted that temperatures could reach up to 39C (102.2F) in southern and eastern England.

Such heat brings numerous problems and today we will be looking at how Electricians are dealing with the heat whilst on the job.

Work in the shade

A good way to stay cool is to work in the shade wherever possible to escape the rays of the sun. Although the humidity of the air is still hot and stifling, shade can provide a cool space that protects your skin from UV rays.

Wear Breathable Clothing

High temperatures combined with high humidity can make life uncomfortable – especially for people not used to the hot conditions.

Humans maintain a cool body temperature by perspiring heat away from the body. It is important to allow air circulation to maintain a cool body temperature. Fabrics for hot climates should maximise the flow of air through the clothing, allowing heat and moist air to escape. The fabrics should be breathable as Fabrics that trap moisture tend to create unpleasant odours.

Natural fibres are generally better at soaking up moisture from the skin and allowing it to evaporate from the outer surface.

Cotton is extremely comfortable and allows your body to breathe with ease. It absorbs excess sweat. Linen and other natural fibres also breathe and are good at absorbing moisture. These fabrics tend to breathe more than synthetics such as polyester.

Wear sunglasses if working in direct sunlight.

We know it is not always possible to complete all of a job in the shade so we highly recommend a good pair of sunglasses to block out the glare of the sun.

This suggestion may not be the most cooling on the list but the last thing you will want to be doing whilst doing work is squinting our using one of your hands to block out the sun getting in your eyes.

Wear a cap

I know what you’re thinking… How can wearing an extra garment of clothing keep you cool? But stick with us.

Caps, like sunglasses, help block the rays of the sun from getting in your eyes. Additionally, A hat keeps the sun off your head, reducing the temperature of your head and psychologically tricking the brain into feeling cooler.

Freeze Bottles of Water

This one would take some prior planning but a popular method to cool yourself down over time. Freezing a bottle of water will leave you with a bottle of ice that will melt into very cold water throughout the day for you to drink.

Also, placing the bottle of ice on your veins on the inside of your wrist or neck helps lower your bodies core temperature. The reason this remedy works is because your wrist and neck both contain pulse points—essentially, areas where you can feel your pulse because your blood vessels are close to the surface of your skin. Because they are so close, however, you can also cool off your blood and body temperature by getting the area in contact with cool water.

Take on lots of fluids

Your body functions best within a certain temperature range, and when you get too warm, it needs to cool off. There are a couple of ways your body accomplishes this cooldown. First, your blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow to the skin. This allows excess heat to radiate away from your body. Then, you also start to sweat. Evaporation of the sweat cools the skin, which in turn helps to cool the whole body. But the problem is that excessive sweating can lead to dehydration.

Drinking water helps replenish the fluids lost by excessive sweating. If you don’t get enough water, you may become dehydrated, and the combination of hot temperatures and dehydration can lead to serious heat-related illnesses.

Take Regular breaks

In the hot temperatures, it is essential that you keep yourself hydrated, comfortable and as cool as you can. These three things can be hard to achieve during the toil of a working day but by allowing yourself a few minutes every so often to regroup and manage your body temperature you will feel a great benefit.

Take the day off

Probably your bosses least favourite of all theses options but the best way to stay cool might be to stay clear of work and have yourself a good old fashioned Spanish Style Siesta.

Either that or get yourself to the Beer garden as soon as you possibly can.

I’m off to test my theory now. Cheers


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