Surge Protection to BS ENIEC 62305
Surge Protection to BS ENIEC 62305
Course Overview
This course provides learners with a good understanding of the technical requirements for surge protection for mains power, instrumentation, control, voice and data circuit installations. The course outlines the lightning protection and earthing principles on surge protection and discusses the surge protection requirements based on BS EN 62305 and BS 7671.
Modules also consider the need for risk assessment for lightning and surge protection, sources of disturbance and damages caused by different risks and the importance of good earthing and main equipotential bonding. The course explores several examples of good and poor surge protection and the correct selection, installation, commissioning and monitoring of SPDs under different system earthing types.
Who Should Learn
Consultants and designers, project managers and panel builders.
Please note, before embarking on this course, it is expected that learners will be familiar with Ohm’s Law and the concepts of resistance, inductance and capacitance. We recommend that learners have sight of the BS EN/IEC 62305 standard while working through the course. If you don’t have a copy, you can purchase one here
Course Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will:
- Understand the need for surge protection for more complex electrical installations.
- Understand the surge protection requirements in BS EN 62305 and BS 7671.
- Understand the concepts of LPZ and LPS design criteria.
- Understand the risk assessment calculation results for the use of SPDs in LV systems.
- Understand the correct selection and installation of SPDs for mains power, data, ICT and hazardous location circuit cabling.
- Understand the importance of monitoring the health status of SPDs and replacing them when they have exhausted their surge protection counts.
Course Overview
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£216.00 + VAT
It is expected that learners will be familiar with Ohm’s Law and the concepts of resistance, inductance and capacitance. We recommend that learners have sight of the BS EN/IEC 62305 standard while working through the course. If you don’t have a copy, you can purchase one here