In this guide we aim to dispel the myths of this 2346 Experienced Worker Qualification and look at who is this is really for.
The City & Guilds 2346 experienced qualification is in fact not a training course but an assessment that covers the skills needed to be remain on top of your game out in the field.
It can be compared to an on-the-job “apprenticeship” where you are supervised by another person who has already done the job before, but it as the qualification suggests its for experienced workers, which means you don’t need to be employed to achieve it.
Who is the City & Guilds 2346 qualification for?
The Experienced Worker is suitable for employed & self employed electricians who have worked in the industry for 5 years but never gained their formal qualifications and whish to achieve the JIB grading for JIB card or to join a Competent Persons Scheme.
How does it work?
Firstly remember this is an assessment so there is no attending site for training, so it starts with looking at the skills you already have and mapping them to the units of the current level 3 qualifications, as you already have the 5 years’ experience on site this will not only save time especially when compared to the only previous other rout which was to take a Full NVQ level 3 qualification, but also save you money. The previous NVQ3 obviously wasn’t a realistic route for the self-employed etc.
What does the City & Guilds 2346 Experienced Worker Qualification Cover
You will be assigned an assessor who will work with you to complete a skills scan based around your current knowledge and skills. Once the skills scan is complete the assessor will writes a unique assessment plan for you based upon your knowledge and experience. The evidence is gained as you go about your everyday work and you have constant contact with your assessor who will make sure the evidence you supply is relevant.
What if I don’t have any qualifications?
Because of the unique plan mentioned, you don’t currently need any electrical qualifications and the assessor takes into account not only your experience but also any other qualifications you may have such as H&S etc. This said it is highly recommended that before starting this qualification you achieve at least an initial verification and wiring regulations qualification.
How long does it take to achieve the 2346 Experienced Worker qualification?
It will of course vary from person to person with the longest taking 12 months but if you are current active in electrical installations then it is much shorter we have had a number of people complete this in 3 months.
What Can It Lead To?
Once completed you will have all the knowledge matching the current level 3 NVQ, to enable you to get your JIB Gold Card you will now be ready to take your AM2e assessment just as you would have if you was a modern day apprentice.
In Conclusion
This qualification won’t be for everyone and its certainly not for new entrants into the electrical industry.
It is a very sensible route for those who have older qualification no longer recognised or indeed never got any formal qualifications but have a number of years working in the industry.
What will appeal most about this qualification is the time saving, we have many electricians who cannot get a JIB Electricians Gold Card for onsite who previously couldn’t afford the time to do what in essence was a repeat of their qualifications ,this now gives an ideal route for them.
Finally this qualification Is a great way to show potential employers what kind of worker you would make for them and prove your electrical competence
How do I find out more?
Simply speak to one of our course advisors who will be able to answer any questions you may have.
Full details of the course can be found on our website or to get the course overview and stay up to date on changes or offers we have please submit your details below.